Hearing aids

Discover the different types of hearing aids available.

Find the hearing aid that's right for you

At AudioVie, we offer a variety of hearing aids to meet your unique needs.
Here are the different types of hearing aids we offer, each designed to improve your hearing and your quality of life.

Don’t forget that you may be entitled to coverage for the cost of your hearing aids.

*An assessment by a hearing care professional is required to determine whether the hearing aid is suitable for the patient’s needs.
Reliable and powerful

BTE hearing aids

BTE (Behind-The-Ear) hearing aids are worn behind the ear and are connected to an earmold that is placed in the ear canal. They are powerful and durable, making them suitable for all degrees of hearing loss, from mild to severe.

Easy to handle, they are particularly suitable for people with reduced manual dexterity or vision problems.

Discreet and comfortable

Mini BTE hearing aids (mini BTE)

Mini BTE (behind-the-ear) hearing aids are a smaller, lighter version of traditional BTE devices. They sit discreetly behind the ear and are connected to a thin wire that leads to a comfortable earpiece.

This design offers a natural sound experience and great comfort, even for spectacle wearers. Mini BTEs are versatile and suitable for different levels of hearing loss, with customizable settings to meet individual hearing needs.
Aesthetics guaranteed

IIC, CIC and peritympanic devices

Invisible In-Canal (IIC ) and Completely In-Canal (CIC) hearing aids are custom-made and placed entirely inside the ear. Designed to be both discreet and effective, they are typically suitable for people with mild to moderate hearing loss.

Discretion with more features

In-the-canal (ITC) and in-the-ear (ITE) devices

In-the-canal (ITC) and in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids are custom-made to fit the unique shape of your ear. Positioned at the entrance to the ear canal, they offer natural sound quality and are easy to handle. These ITC and ITE devices feature volume controls and customizable programs, making them suitable for different degrees of hearing loss.
Continuous wear, maximum comfort

Extended wear hearing aids (Lyric devices)

Extended wear hearing aids are designed to be worn 24 hours a day, and are positioned 4 mm from the eardrum, making them completely invisible. These sophisticated devices require no maintenance or battery replacement, and are comfortable to wear thanks to their flexibility.

Extended wear hearing aids are suitable for mild to moderate hearing loss and are perfect for those with an active lifestyle.